6 questions with my friend and fellow blogger
Nina Clarke

1. Q: Nina, you have a personal blog and a strong presence on Instagram. Why did you start your blog and what’s your favorite thing about it?
2. Q: You’re a wife and proud mom of two children. Can you tell us a little something about yourself and your family?
We live in Norwalk, Connecticut. I feel blessed to have one son (Charlie, age 11) and one daughter (Blaine age 8)– kids are all so different so it’s really fun to experience both a boy and a girl. My husband commutes 2 hours each way to work in New York City, but we really love where we live near the water. In the summer, it feels like vacation! Both our kids are very active with sports so I feel like an Uber driver most days getting them to where they need to be. But I wouldn’t have it any other way.
3. Q: You’re also a Managing Director at Beautycounter. I’ve heard their Mineral Sunscreen is very popular. Why do so many families love this line? It protects you from the sun and it’s not harmful to the environment. Can you explain more about that?
Our Countersun mineral sunscreens are big sellers for families because they’re safe and effective. Our sunscreens are made with non-nano zinc oxide—a physical sunscreen filter that’s reef-friendly and won’t irritate your skin. There is some information that is important to know before you buy your sunscreen. The unfortunate truth is that most sunscreens contain a dirty secret, oxybenzone and octinoxate, which are linked to health hazards and have been shown in scientific studies to harm coral reefs. We do not want this to continue to happen. We want to protect our health and we want to protect the environment too. Of course, our sunscreen does not contain these chemicals, and our sunscreens get the highest safety rating from the Environmental Working Group (EWG). As a mom, I am going to be the mother here and give you this gentle reminder to please wear your sunscreen this summer. Your skin is your largest organ so let’s all take good care of it! (link to my Beautycounter store: Beautycounter.com/ninabradleyclarke)
4. Q: How long have been with Beautycounter? Why do you love selling their products? And currently what’s your favorite Beautycounter product?
I have been working with Beautycounter for 4.5 years now. I love being part of a brand that wants to provide a solution for consumers looking for healthier, cleaner, safer products. This company is the real deal and we believe that all beauty should be good for you. My absolute favorite product right now is our brand new CountertimeSupreme night cream. I am 46 (gasp!) so I need all the help I can get when it comes to powerful hydration and minimizing fine lines and wrinkles. I feel like my skin is glowing now! (link to my Beautycounter store: Beautycounter.com/ninabradleyclarke)
5. Q: You also have a successful Podcast called “Nina’s Got Good News”… how’s that going? Any fun interviews you have coming up?
I call my Podcast my third baby because it took 10 months to develop this project. We are growing our listeners every single week so that is very exciting! We are on iTunes, Spotify and now also on Stitcher. We do have some fun interviews coming up with best-selling author Emily Liebert, social media expert Brock Johnson and the Founders of The Two Oh Three brand. Please follow all the Podcast action on my Instagram account @ninabclarke.
6. Q: And lastly before you started your blog, working for Beautycounter, and started your podcast you were a TV journalist! Tell us a little something about that?
I sure did! I worked in television news for 15 years before I left the TV business for motherhood. I won an Emmy for my work, and I traveled all over covering so many big stories. I do not miss the long hours and the stressful deadlines, but I do miss working with all the great journalists who became my friends.
** GIVEAWAY ALERT: Nina and Megan are collaborating on a fun summer giveaway. From 7/10-7/12, follow their Instagram accounts (@ninabclarke and @campbymama) to enter their Beautycounter safe sunscreen giveaway together. ** Good luck!
Our girls had so much fun playing together last week at the beach testing out all the safe sunscreen in the hot sun—new summer besties! Here’s to clean beauty this summer!
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